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Otmar Loffeld Appointed As a Visiting Professor of TYUT

2019/03/18 15:35:27

On the afternoon of March 15th, Otmar Loffeld, director of North Rhine-Westphalia Centre for Sensor Systems at University of Siegen in Germany, was appointed as a visiting professor of TYUT.

On behalf of TYUT, Party Secretary Wu Yucheng extended warm welcome to professor Loffeldand gave full recognition of his academic achievements. He also introduced the basic information of TYUT, especially its progress in sensor research. He said that professor Loffeld’s joining will play an important role in promoting the overall scientific research strength of the discipline of physical and electrical engineering, and will also play an exemplary role in the international scientific research cooperation of basic science subjects in TYUT. TYUT will take an active part in professor Loffeld’sresearch project and undertake the corresponding work. It is hoped that the two teams will cooperate and promote each other in the aspects of talent exchange, student training and scientific research cooperation and achieve fruitful results.

In his acceptance speech, professor Loffeldsaid that he was honored to be appointed as a visiting professor of TYUT, and he was full of confidence in the in-depth cooperation with College of Physical and Optoelectronic Technology in the research and application of sensors. During his visit, professor Loffeldmade an academic report on "Make Sensing Smart: Smart data rather than big data -- the Center for Sensorsystems(ZESS)", and conducted extensive academic exchanges with teachers and students.

Otmar Loffeld received his bachelor degree in electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University in 1982, his doctorate in digital signal processing at University of Siegen in 1986, and "Dr. habil" in the subject of estimation theory at University of Siegen in 1989. In 1991, he was hired as professor of digital signal processing and estimation theory at the university. He is the author of two textbooks on estimation theory. In 1995, he became a member of North Rhine-Westphalia Centre for Sensor Systems at University of Siegen(ZESS). In 2005, he became chairman of the center. In 1999, he became the chief scientist (PI) of the x-band baseline estimation for the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), in which ZESS made a great contribution to the baseline calibration algorithm of DLR. Professor Loffeld is also the chief scientist of the German terraSAR-x radar satellite mission, responsible for interferometry technology, and a member of the German electronic information society (ITG/VDE) and the IEEE society for earth science and remote sensing (IEEE/GRSS).

Edited and Translated by Weiwei Wang

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