The Third International Conference on Green Energy and Application (ICGEA 2019), jointly organized by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), College of Electrical and Power Engineering at TYUT and Shanxi Institute of Electrical Technology, was held in Boxue Pavilion of TYUT from March 17 to 18, 2019. More than 200 experts and scholars from 6 countries as well as TYUT’s teachers and students attended the meeting.

Prof. Keh-Chin Chang from Taiwan introduced the provision of clean water in remote villages or islets through solar power generation in Indonesia.

Prof. Wang Peng from Nanyang Technology University delivered a speech on the impacts of high penetration of electric vehicle (EV) loads and wind power generation on operation and reliability of power system. The increasing penetration of wind power and the integration of dynamic load have made power system more vulnerable due to uncertainty. Therefore, a novel method should be proposed to plan power system operation.

Prof. Chan Siew Hwa presented a speech on hydrogen-based Chemical Energy Storage to illustrate the feasibility of the way to replace battery energy storage systems (BESS) with hydrogen-based chemical energy storage.The problem in terms of the accommodation of large scale cluster wind power has challenged the stable operation of power systems. Although traditional BESS can smooth the power generation of wind farm, but it is difficult to achieve large-scale application because of high investment and cost.

From College of Electrical and Power Engineering
Edited by Weiwei Wang