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ZHAO Yansheng

2019/06/18 09:14:22

Name:赵彦生 ZHAO Yansheng


Major SelectionChemical Engineering and Technology   

Research InterestFunctional Materials



1. Layer-by-layer assembly of polymeric complexes: Effect of storing time on the complexes and film structure.Chen, Xiaoling  Guo, QiaojingHe, MiaomiaoLiu, YongmeiZhaoYansheng, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2019, 59,  E394-E402

2. Synthesis and performance of an environmentally friendly polycarboxylate superplasticizer based on modified poly(aspartic acid), Yang, Zhiyun, Yu, MengLiu, YongmeiChen, XiaolingZhaoYansheng, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 202, 154-161.

3.Synthesis and characterization of modified attapulgite/poly(aspartic acid) compound absorbent resin, Lu, Jingqiong ;Zhang, ShengboGao, Chengyun; ZhaoYansheng,  Ferroelectrics, 2018, 527( 1): 1-10.

4.  Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyl poly(aspartic acid)/organic bentonite superabsorbent composite, Chen, XiaolingJia, ZhixinShi, HaigangMao, CaihongGu, HongbingLiu, Yongmei; ZhaoYansheng,  Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), 2016, 25( 6): 539-548, 

5.  Synthesis and characterization of modified poly(aspartic acid)/poly(acrylic acid-acrylamide) interpenetrating network absorbent resin, Hu, DengLi, Qiong;ZhaoYansheng; Jia, ZhixinShi, HaigangChen, Xiaoling, Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 32(10): 30-35.

6.  Synthesis and characterization of poly(aspartic acid) composite hydrogels with inorganic MCM-41 cross-linker, Li, YinhuiChen, XiaolingLiu, YongmeiLu, Jingqiong; ZhaoYansheng,  Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), 2014, 23(12): 907-916.

7. A novel superabsorbent composite based on poly(aspartic acid) and organo-kaolin, Chen, XiaolingLi, JianjiMao, CaihongJiao, XiaoyanLiu, YongmeiGong, Ji'An; ZhaoYansheng,  Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2014, 51(10): 799-804.

8. Preparation and properties of interpenetrating networks absorbent polymer based on polyaspartic acid and polyacrylic acid, ZhaoYansheng, Li, QianLiu YongmeiLiu ChengcenGong Ji'anGao Jierong,  Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 29( 1): 48-51.

9. Preparation and characterization of poly(styrene-methacrylic acid)/MCM-41 core/shell nanocomposite microspheres, Zhao, YanshengMa, XingjiLiu, YongmeiYuan, GuangweiGuo, MeijuanChen, KaiShen, Yinghua,E-Polymers, 2009, 27:121

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