  • LI XiaoChun

    Name: LI XiaoChunTitle: ProfessorPhone: 0086-13466802154E-mail: lixiaochun@tyut.edu.cnInstitute: Biomedical Precision Detection and Instrument Research Center, College of Biomedical Engineering, Taiyuan University of TechnologyMajor Selection:Biomedical EngineeringResearch direction: Biomedical precision detection and instrument Publication: (1)  L. Zhang, H. Kwok, X. Li*, H. Yu*, Superhydroph...

  • LI Xiaona

     Name: LI XiaonaGender: Female Business Address: College of Biomedical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, No. 79 West Yingze Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China Work Phone: +86 351 6018826 Mobile Phone: +86 13803417943 E-mail: 1840253093@qq.com Research Interest:Cell Mechanics; Mechanobiology; Ocular BiomechanicsMajor Selection: Biomedical Engineering Publication 1.      Li Xia...

  • CHEN Weiyi

     Name: CHEN WeiyiGender: Male Business Address: College of Biomedical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, No. 79 West Yingze Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China Work Phone: +86 351 6018826 Mobile Phone: +86 13015477101 E-mail: chenweiyi@tyut.edu.cn Research Interest:Bone and Cartilage Biomechanics; Ocular Biomechanics; Cell MechanicsMajor Selection: Biomedical Engineering Public...

  • JIAO Xiong

    Name: JIAO XiongEmail: jiaoxiong@tyut.edu.cnMajor Selection: Biomedical Engineering Research Interest: BioinformaticsPublication:[1]  Xiong Jiao, Baohan Wang, Jiguo Su, Weizu Chen, and Cunxin Wang*. Protein Design Based on the Relative Entropy. Phys. Rev. E. 2006, 73(6): 061903 [2]  Xiong Jiao, Shan Chang, Chunhua Li, Weizu Chen, and Cunxin Wang*. Construction and Application of the Weighted Am...

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